Buy Proxy

Error: No Proxies

No proxies were found matching the filters you specified. Please change your filters and try again.


You successfully made purchase.

You can see detailed information about purchased proxies
in the tab My Proxies.

Insufficient funds!

Unfortunately, you cannot make purchases until you add funds to your balance.

You can see detailed information about your payments
in the tab Payments.

Important Info

  • The Proxy will be leased to you for 24 hours.
  • If the proxy goes offline at any point within the first 4 hours of your lease, you will be eligible to get a full refund to your balance via the Refund button in the My Proxies tab or support telegram bot telegram, by providing lease id.
  • After 4 hours or more than 100mb used traffic, a refund is no longer possible even if the proxy goes offline.
  • Select Date Range:

    Lease ID IP Address Country Region City Start Expire Price
    Add Funds via cryptocurrency

    Select Date Range:

    Date Record ID Type Info Amount Balance

    Important Note #1

    While sending crypto be sure that wallet you are copy from site is the same that you paste.

    Important Note #2

    We stop monitoring the wallet after 40 minutes and if you send funds after this time, we will not receive this transaction and your amount will be lost. There is also no way to find this transaction and add it manually.


    Status  NO PAYMENTS 

    User Profile

    User Email
    Proxies leased

    Change Password

    Email will be sent to with instructions.

    Proxy acts as an intermediary for queries from internet users seeking resources from other web servers.
    The proxy protocol routes client requests from web browsers to the internet.
    Any traffic the server processes will appear from the proxy’s IP address rather than the user’s.

    Currently our service support only SOCKS5 protocol.

    Refund is available if the proxy stops responding within the first 4 hours.
    You will see a "Refund" button in the "My Proxies" section.
    When the button is pressed, the system will check two conditions:
    - if proxy is indeed unresponsive, and if so, the refund will be credited to your account.
    - the proxy traffic. If it is less than 100MB and the speed is less than 500kbps, the proxy will be refunded. The speed check works only if the proxy is shared between two or one user.

    If you cannot refund the proxy fee for any reason, please contact support via Telegram.

    Shared means the same proxy can be rented up to four times by other people.
    Private means it will not be marked after purchase and is only for your use.

    Auth by IP-Address - allows users to create a unique connection to a proxy without a username and password.
    During configuration, you should specify the IP address, which would be whitelisted for proxy connection.
    Mainly used for Chrome browser.

    You can contact support via email

    Our support also avaible in Telegram: @socks_market_support
    Please, double check our telegram username!

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